The Davis System deployed their experience in community organizing, tied with an aggressive community and volunteer engagement strategy to help the committee collect 6,000 signatures, three times the amount required for ballot certification. Through a coordinated grassroots organizing campaign, combined with relational organizing and social media, we will engage the A-team volunteer network in an intentional and informative way to both ask them to lead signature efforts but also train them and equip them with the tools needed to collect signatures in their communities. 

A-Team Alumni 
  • Engagement of the A-Team Alumni Network; continuation of bi-monthly newsletter, targeted at the A-Team Alumni network
  • Organizing and Hosting multiple Alumni Events throughout the year in person and virtually 
  • Creating and managing A-Team Alumni social media engagement
  • Creating and managing alumni contact database 

Ayanna for Black Men 
  • Engagement of the Ayanna for Black Men Constituency Group
  • Organizing and Hosting multiple Events throughout the year in person and virtually
  • Engagement of Network; continuation of bi-monthly newsletter and facebook group 

Signature Collection
  •  General Advising
  • Coordinated and conducted volunteer training
  • Created a signature collection team to door knock and contact constituents 
  • Worked with other candidates in the area to launch canvassing efforts
  • Creating and maintaining volunteer database